Wednesday, 9 March 2011

"Too Late to Give Up"

STOP…….Are you trying to give up? Maybe fed up with where you are? With life in general? Things don’t seem to work out for you as you proposed?  You have waited for long patiently and cannot remain in that particular point/spot….
Dear, I’m so sorry to disappoint because “Its too Late to Give Up”.
Many of lives failure are people who did not realize how close they where to success when they gave up -Thomas Edison

When it seems as if nothing is working,that's when God is tremendously at work.
Take a look at how far you’ve gone, with so much struggles, hard work, passion and commitment but yet you think all is over that way? For the fact that you’ve started a course is a proof that you’ll finish.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only son(Jesus Christ) that whosoever believe in him will not perish, but have everlasting life. This scripture settles everything for the fact that you’ve confessed and believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary for your sake, you have entered into God’s rest because the highest price was paid on your behalf on the cross….Every reason why you should not progress or succeed has been settled on the cross.
The reason why you must not be fed-up has already been settled through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus.

Although, you may be going through some tough time but I want you to note that tough time don’t last, but tough people do. The more the going gets tough, “you should get tougher”.
Your conviction for this course should be strong, be at alert to say to yourself “Its too late for me to give up” because the price has been paid, you cease to struggle.
Challenges come to test our capabilities, the higher you grow in life the higher challenges piles up for you. “Challenges are natural occurrence, but you need to get natural also when dealing with them”.
See every challenge that may come your way as an opportunity to soar higher than your current state.
The best time you would’ve given up was years ago, it was months back, it was some weeks ago, it was some days ago, it some hours ago, it was some minutes ago but NOT NOW, because its already too late to give up…You’re close to your target, you’re close to success, you’re very close to the top, the price was paid on your behalf and it has a mandate to make everything work for your good.
It would really be too late to give up if only you’ve acknowledge the fact that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is your Lord and Personal Savior.
Look for that word that will change your world and you’ll live an upward & forward life.

You’ll definitely succeed, Dare to Believe because “its too late to give Up”.
I'm expecting to read about your success story!

Your Friend,
Isaac success

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